Tuesday, 23 June 2009

"augmented reality" - iPhone hacker Chris Hughes

Chris Hughes won Internet fame being among the first to jailbreak the iPhone. His tech exploits have been featured on Slashdot, Engadget and Gizmodo.

More "Augumented Reality" demonstrations are here: Funkadelic Advertising

Friday, 19 June 2009

Sample code for NeoForce XNA 2D GUI controls

Sample code for NeoForce XNA 2D GUI controls

Normally goes inside:
protected override void Initialize()
of the game's game object which is subclassed from XNA Game class.

manager = new Manager(this(gameobject), this.GraphicsDeviceManager, "Default", true);

// Setting up the shared skins directory
manager.SkinDirectory = @"..\..\Skins\";

// Create and setup Window control.
window = new Window(manager);
window.Text = "Getting Started";
window.Width = 100;
window.Height = 124;
window.Visible = true;
window.BorderVisible = false;
window.MaximumHeight = 100;
window.MinimumHeight = 100;
window.MaximumWidth = 100;
window.MinimumWidth = 100;
window.Alpha = 128;

// Create Button control and set the previous window as its parent.
button = new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.Button(manager);
button.Text = "OK";
button.Width = 72;
button.Height = 24;
button.Left = 0;
button.Top = 100;
//button.Left = (window.ClientWidth / 2) - (button.Width / 2);
//button.Top = window.ClientHeight - button.Height - 8;
button.Anchor = Anchors.Bottom;
button.Parent = window;

textbox = new TomShane.Neoforce.Controls.TextBox(manager);
textbox.Text = "Example";
textbox.Width = 100;
textbox.Height = 100;
textbox.Top = 0;
textbox.Left = 0;
textbox.BackColor = Color.TransparentWhite;
textbox.Parent = window;

// Add the window control to the manager processing queue.